



We’re confident
and experienced with every aspect of criminal law.

Our results reflect our unparalleled expertise and commitment to each individual client.

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Criminal offences

Pragmatic, clear and high-calibre advice when you need it most—any hour, any day.

We’re here for you from the very first minute you need us through to when we achieve the best possible outcome.


We're here to help. We made a list of some of the common questions we get asked.


Jasper Fogerty Lawyers might be the perfect fit for you.

Limitation of Liability
Jasper Fogerty Lawyers and the Australian Legal Practitioners (‘solicitors’) employed by our firm have their liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation (the Scheme);
To the extent permitted by law, you acknowledge by entering into this Costs Agreement that our liability and that of our solicitors, employees, sub-contractors, and agents is limited to the value of any fees owing to us in this matter, but shall not, in any event, exceed $1,500,000 in accordance with the Scheme, for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or economic loss or damage (including loss of profits or opportunities and exemplary and punitive damages) suffered by you or any other person whether arising from negligence or otherwise in relation to the Costs Agreement or any action or omission by us, our solicitors, employees, sub-contractors or agents.